that was an accident
I don't do anything here.
Manrod; Motherfucker
Manrod University
Joined on 8/14/05
"Whoops" doesn't cover it, bucko. You're still going to marry my daughter...
Best clean it up then
Well you fucked up this time Harry Potter. Do you know how many lives were lost because for your "little" accident. We'll be cleaning brains out of owl plumage for weeks. Poor little Ginny Weasley will never be able to unsee the carnage you caused this morning, she'll be traumatized for life. Ron's fucking dead as shit. You'd think we'd be able to regrow Luna's lost limbs, but nope, that's not how it this shit works. She's going to be crippled for the rest of her natural life.
I don't want to hear any excuses. 100 points for Gryffindor!
I miss talkin' to you about hip hop
I forgive you