I don't do anything here.
Manrod; Motherfucker
Manrod University
Joined on 8/14/05
Their article about how the Japanese ruined lovable characters made me cry from laughing so hard, but that may be because of super Hitler and super Jesus.
That article was stupid.
lol just trying to remember when did I talk to you about the Righteous Brothers? Was it on my news post or somewhere else?
Pews Nost.
lol never mind, just found it.
Haha, funny word! :D
Yes indeed.
HEY! Where do you think you're going boy?
FUCK!!! Now I'm going to have to leave the state I know and love. Because you'll ruin it! All of it. All of the time.
It's what I'm good at, I'm sorry.
Sounds like we'd make a pretty good detective team. I'll be the bad cop, and you can be the worse cop. And little scruffles here *points to crotch* can be the brains of the operation.
We would be unstoppable.
Unstoppable, just like those little packets of peanuts they give you on airplane trips. Have you seen anyone even try to stop those peanuts? HAVE YOU???
That's because they can't, and they know it.
Peanuts suck.
Your penis sucks. It's like, reverse oral sex.
Stick that in your pipe and fuck it.
Pipe that in your fuck and stick it.
...I could do it.
Yes indeed, good sir.
I must say, Cracked sucks as of late.
But this cracked me up something fierce.