So... is this post written is Protoss?
I don't do anything here.
Manrod; Motherfucker
Manrod University
Joined on 8/14/05
So... is this post written is Protoss?
It is written in Sinitech.
That makes me go from 12:00 to 6:00. You should totally get yourself some SC2 action.
I'd certainly like to.
I recall when I was younger, playing StarCraft Broodwar, those were the days... yessiree... I hate video games more than you could imagine.
But Starcraft had a relatively good plotline, and I'll probably play the sequel eventually, for no other reason than the story might be good. It'll probably be... tolerable.
I can't picture you playing Starcraft.
You seem more like a nothing kind of guy.
Oh, well I am. That doesn't stop me from doing things... I just don't enjoy them.
I know what you mean.
That response was as brilliant as the comment you were responding to.
I'm known for my brilliance.
One of us! One of us!
I have a confession to make...
I've never played Starctraft, either.
Where is my war? I WANT MY WAR!!!!
You'll get it when you finish your vegetables.
Hot fetal action.
I wonder if she can still get a c-section. Stickman, you're nineteen and I think it's high time you go off and start living on your own, you need to get out of your mothers womb and go outside into the real world. I'm not saying it will be easy, it's gonna be scary... that's for certain... but it's just spomething you need to do.
Have you started playing League matches on Starcraft 2 yet? What's your race of choice?
I don't own the game myself, unfortunately, I only played it for a couple hours the other day.