Good man.
I don't do anything here.
Manrod; Motherfucker
Manrod University
Joined on 8/14/05
Good man.
At least someone appreciates my hard work.
Good good man.
Double good?
I vote 5 on Pigpen everyday.
I have no idea what you're talking about what is this also I am inexplicably twelve.
Only you.
Only me indeed, only me indeed...
I vote Denis Kucinich on the top five every day.
I am Denis Kucinich.
Sometimes all I wanna scream is YASSEEEAH!!! Gee I dunno why I'm always doin' that....
I am going to intentionally ignore this comment.
Oh, God dammit!
Also, not that anyone cares... but the popcorn I dropped off the whatever you call it tower, did kill someone. And that someone was me. It was a wrenching experience to say the least. But I got better.
More like superbanned.
I blame society.
I come back for some hardcore after work snurg nurgling FOR THIS!? FUCK.
You don't have a job.
I'm SORRY, God.